– 100% focus on sales


Our Sales Force Automation project has been running for more than two years with 100 percent reliability.

Carmen Stanciulescu, Systems Architect

ExpandIT Mobile Sales gives you the tools to help you streamline your sales force so they can use all their resources on sales and customer service. We not only focus on the individual seller, but also on the entire process to obtain benefits in sales and on campaigns, budget, and promotional materials. We have gained a reputation for developing and designing innovative and reliable solutions that produce results.

With Expandit Mobile Sales You Achieve:

  • More effective sales visits
  • Wider product sales
  • Better Knowledge of Individual customers and their purchase history
  • Less office time and more customer time

ExpandIT Mobile Sales Provides:

  • Opportunities to adapt the sales system to your organization strategies and processes.
  • A scalable platform that handles individual data and the ability to manage multiple brands in the same solution.
  • Relevant information to each employee in the form of data on their own customers, budges and actual figures.

Close The Sale On The Spot

With ExpandIT Mobile Sales, your salespeople will be able to close the deal directly with the customer, on the spot. We have even made it possible to add a signature on the order; the customer will get an order confirmation sent by e-mail with his signature, and the order goes straight to pick/billing in the ERP system.

Signature and visit completion
The user can select or skip the signature pad when completing an order.

Back-end Integration
When the order has been completed it is sent first to ExpandIT BAS and the forwarded into the back-end for fulfilment and posting.

All The Information At Your Fingertips

ExpandIT Mobile Sales integrates tightly with ERP systems, so it can retrieve all required data as often as is desired. Our customers typically want history on their accounts, previous orders, and outstanding amounts, so you can prepare as well as possible before the meeting.

The user selects a customer and the appropriate information is displayed. This includes historical information such open orders, last orders and ledger entries.
Shipment and Delivery Address
Once the order lines have been completed the user can enter the requested shipment date and the address.

New Functionality

ExpandIT Mobile Sales is created in HTML5 and you can continuously modify the functionality as the competitive environment changes.



“Our Sales Force Automation project has been running for more than two years with 100 percent reliability.”

Carmen Stanciulescu, Systems Architect, Color Compass

“With ExpandIT Mobile Sales we have created a platform which can be used not only by our own salesforce but also by our European agents. It has meant significant administrative savings as well as we can control the sales from one destination, headquarters.”

Jonas Bruun Nørgreen, LauRie